Modern slavery
and human

Modern slavery
and human
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“act”) was introduced to help eradicate slavery, forced labour and human trafficking in the operations and supply chains of companies. This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the act and includes information about Certsure LLP, its own operations and supply chains, and how we are approaching the eradication of slavery and human trafficking in our business.
This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the act and includes information about Certsure LLP, its own operations and supply chains, and how we are approaching the eradication of slavery and human trafficking in our business.
Certsure LLP embrace a zero-tolerance stance towards slavery and human trafficking and are proud of our Business Ethics and Anti-Bribery Policy which has been expanded to incorporate the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act. We are committed to preventing and mitigating exploitation, corruption and bribery. We take this responsibility seriously. We will not accept bribery, modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking anywhere within our operations or supply chain.
The production of an annual statement is not the entirety of Certsure LLP’s corporate responsibility. All employees have a duty to be vigilant to any behaviour which suggests a breach of the Modern Slavery Act.
Certsure LLP Structure
Certsure was created in 2013 through a partnership between the charity, Electrical Safety First (ESF) and the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA).
Certsure is a limited liability partnership (LLP). All surplus income generated by Certsure is channelled back into these two partners to promote electrical safety and support electrical contractors.
Certsure LLP Business Activities
Certsure provides industry-leading certification schemes and support to the building services sector. These services are delivered through the NICEIC brand.
For almost 70 years, NICEIC has been the UK’s largest certification body for electrical businesses with over 40,000 currently certified with us. As the industry leader, we drive the highest standards of competence and safety. NICEIC-certified businesses demonstrate these standards through rigorous assessments and continuing professional development. Once certified, we provide ongoing advice and support, and list them on our online ‘Find a trusted NICEIC tradesperson’ tool.
Certsure LLP Operations
We directly employ around 359 employees. We are confident that our own operations are free of modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking. Colleagues across the Certsure LLP work under comparable terms and conditions that are in accordance with U.K. employment law.
We have a range of employment policies in place which ensure that our employees are fairly treated, supported, remunerated and understand the behaviour expected by the organisation. These policies include, but are not limited to, equality and diversity, pay and reward, annual leave, health safety and wellbeing including Mental Health First Aiders, prevention of harassment and bullying, anti-bribery and corruption, and whistleblowing. All these policies are available on our company Intranet.
Certsure LLP Supply Chains and Risk Areas
We have a team of procurement specialists managing procurement processes. The suppliers we use to deliver our activities, and our own operations, are primarily U.K. and EU-based. We also create, negotiate and have access to a series of agreements put in place with a variety of suppliers.
We contract with a range of suppliers, from IT companies to local cleaning and catering companies. It is believed that companies providing manual or lower skilled workers to provide services are more likely to be at greater risk of exploitation. For example, this could include the cleaning companies engaged to work at Certsure LLP’s offices in the U.K., or the workers producing technology components or NICEIC branded goods overseas. Raising awareness amongst our employees is key to ensuring that these risk areas are recognised, and that employees know what to do if they become aware of any concerns associated with exploitation.
Due Diligence
As part of our approach to maintaining a supply chain that is free of modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking, we require all commercial organisations bidding for Certsure LLP contracts to provide a copy or link to their anti-slavery statement. Where such a statement does not exist (for example, where the bidder does not meet the Act’s criteria for a statement to be produced), we require a statement from the bidder confirming that it is committed to and acts according to the moral principles of the Act. We reserve our rights to terminate contracts with suppliers if there is evidence of non-compliance with the Act.
Training and Awareness
Employees receive training on the Act through a business compliance eLearning module which is completed every 2 years. The Act is included within the Certsure employee handbook and policy documents are available on the company’s intranet. Employees are expected to familiarise themselves with the key requirements of the Act and their responsibility as individuals to report behaviour, to designated Certsure LLP employees, which they believe suggests a breach of the Act.
The company’s Whistleblowing Policy includes appropriate guidance for employees regarding reporting any suspicion of inappropriate or illegal behaviours. The processes within the policy are reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate for behaviours reported in the context of the Act.
Future Plans
Certsure LLP has met the criteria stipulated in the act to issue an annual statement. We will continue to monitor this status to ensure compliance in future years.
This statement is available on our public website. It will, in addition, be provided on request to all those organisations in receipt of Certsure LLP services. This statement will also be referenced in the Certsure LLP trustees’ report and financial statements for 2023-24