Corporate social

Corporate social
At Certsure LLP, we recognise the importance of integrating our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders.
These include customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, statutory authorities and the communities in which we operate. Our aspiration is to be considered a ‘good citizen’ by all.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy refers to our responsibility toward our environment. We want to be a responsible business that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. At Certsure LLP, we recognise the importance of integrating our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. These include customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, statutory authorities and the communities in which we operate. Certsure LLP has over 36,000 certified businesses across its schemes completing over a million domestic electrical installation jobs a year. We are committed to raising technical and safety standards and are advocates of consumer rights. The company’s owners always value/promote technical integrity over profit. We recognise that our social, economic and environmental responsibilities to these stakeholders are essential to our business. We aim to demonstrate these responsibilities through our coordinated activities and within our corporate policies. We aspire to balance the interests of all our stakeholders so that our reputation is associated with positive, enlightened and innovative ideas and actions. We are open and honest in communicating our strategies, targets, performance and governance to our stakeholders in our continual commitment to sustainable development. Certsure LLP maintains relevant policies and procedures in addition to its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, and generally in accordance with good business practice to demonstrate that Certsure LLP operates its business in a manner that meets or exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has of business. The People Director is responsible for the implementation of this policy and will make the necessary resources available to realise our corporate responsibilities. The responsibility for our performance on this policy rests with all employees throughout the business.
We focus our corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in the following key areas:
- We operate an Equal Opportunities Policy for all our existing and potential future employees. We offer our employees clear and fair terms of employment and provide training and resources to enable their continual development. All employees are given 30 hours per annum to support their continued professional development (CPD). This initiative has the full support of Certsure’s owners.
- We maintain a clear and fair employee remuneration policy and maintain forums for employee consultation and business involvement. We are proud to pay the Real Living Wage. We also offer a number of competitive employee benefits, as well as support for our employees’ overall wellbeing.
- We have a number of communication channels with our employees that enable clear, frequent, honest communication of Certsure’s performance and priorities. We also encourage two-way communication to ensure people have opportunities to provide feedback.
- We are committed to undertaking surveys that measure employee engagement on at least an annual basis, and we seek to enhance engagement for our employees to provide the best experience possible for them.
- We respect the right of our employees to choose whether to join our recognised trade union, Prospect, without influence or interference. We work in collaboration with Prospect to negotiate pay annually and have a Collective Bargaining Agreement in place.
- We provide safeguards to ensure that all our employees, regardless of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity, race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), sexual orientation, religion or belief, or because someone is married or in a civil partnership, are treated with dignity and respect, and without sexual, physical or mental harassment. We operate policies that recognise the rewards to be gained from the employment of a diverse workforce.
- We adhere to our modern slavery policy. Furthermore, our suppliers are required to take the appropriate measures to ensure that no modern slavery occurs at the suppliers’ and their subcontractors’ places of production.
- We recognise the right to freedom of movement and will respond appropriately and within current legislative requirements to people who exercise their right to free movement for work purposes.
- We recognise that human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that every person should be entitled to and have policies in place to help protect employees in the workplace in accordance with employment legislation. These policies include but are not limited to the Dignity at Work Policy, Grievance Policy and Equal Opportunities Policy.
Business Ethics and Anti-Bribery
- Our employees are required to comply with all laws governing Certsure’s operations and conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical standards. We have a Business Ethics and Anti-Bribery Policy in place to ensure compliance.
- We have a Counter Fraud Policy that includes how we prevent the facilitation of tax evasion.
- Certsure’s owners support the philosophy that technical integrity is more important than profit, hence our purpose remains much more than generating profit and satisfying commercial goals.
- We are proud to support The Electrical Industries Charity (EIC). The charity supports our industry, which includes our employees and customers. We work in partnership with the EIC to raise funds and awareness of their cause. Our employees benefit from an Employee Assistance programme via the EIC.
- Employees dealing with contractors, consultants, suppliers, customers and other persons having business with Certsure LLP, are required to conduct such activities in the best interests of the company without favour or preference.
- We prohibit the offering, the giving, the solicitation or the acceptance of any bribe whether cash or other inducement to or from any person or company wherever they are situated.
- We strive to deliver an excellent service to our customers by providing high-quality products and services and the best possible customer experience.
- We will register and resolve customer complaints in accordance with our Complaint Procedures.
- We support our customers by providing access to a technical helpline, and offer opportunities for them to enhance their CPD. This extends beyond the provision of technical guidance and information provision.
- We want to help our certified businesses to develop and prosper and look to share best practice in the industry. We recognise that there can be difficult periods, which may relate to physical or mental wellbeing. We have an Exceptional Circumstances Framework which provides a model to provide suitable and appropriate support and help during such times.
- We aim to work proactively with our suppliers who commit to our values, especially in reference to fair employment and good environmental practice.
- We shall encourage suppliers and contractors to adopt responsible business policies and practices.
- Our contracts will clearly set out the agreed terms, conditions and the basis of our relationship and will operate in a way that safeguards against unfair business practices.
- We support our suppliers by ensuring that all invoices are paid within 30 days. The Modern Slavery Act 2015 states that any commercial organisation who meets specific criteria must produce an annual slavery and human trafficking statement, outlining the measures taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking within their supply chain. Whilst Certsure LLP does not meet the criterion which necessitates the production of an annual slavery and human trafficking statement, we share the same ethos as that outlined within the Act and are committed to ethical procurement and transparency within our supply chain. We take our responsibilities seriously and will work closely with our UK based suppliers to ensure our supply chain remains free of slavery and human trafficking.
Health and Safety
- Certsure LLP recognises and accepts that it is responsible for complying with Health and Safety legislation and ensuring the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of its employees and others who may be affected by its business.
- We are committed to fostering a culture of care and where possible and practicable, the company will exceed the minimum requirements of applicable legislation and will continually search for ways to improve.
- We manage health, safety and wellbeing with the same importance as other core business aims, objectives and risks by directing our efforts towards the prevention of risk(s), through good risk management practice and the implementation of preventative and protective measures.
- We recognise the importance of understanding the environmental impact of our business activities and are committed to reducing these through effective environmental management.
- We will share our understandings with our certified businesses and develop products to assist in the reduction of their environmental impact.
- We will ensure compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, and continuous improvement of our environmental management, within our business and on our clients’ sites.
- We will work to minimise waste and to recycle wherever possible, in conjunction with local authorities and our approved waste carriers to achieve this.
- We will communicate effective recycle and reuse strategies with our stakeholders to maximise effectiveness.
- We are committed to minimizing the impact we have on the environment and proactively seek opportunities to decrease our carbon footprint as an organisation.
- We will enable our certified businesses to offer services such as the installation of Electric Vehicle charging points and the installation of low carbon heating and power generation measures through schemes and training.
- We support and encourage our employees to help local community organisations and activities, and particularly with our chosen charities.
- We work with deliver talks and presentations within schools, colleges and educational bodies to assist young people in choosing their future career by outlining the support we offer apprentice learners, the various schemes and technologies that we certify, whilst advocating for our industry. being an advocate for our industry.
- Representatives across the business are encouraged to take part in a range of activities with young people in the community, including encouraging our engineers to become involved in educational initiatives with young people in schools and colleges.
GDPR and Data Protection
- We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with all relevant GDPR and Data Protection laws and regulations and in line with the highest standards of ethical conduct.
- We will comply with the relevant principles governing data protection as listed in our GDPR and Data Protection Policy. This policy sets out the expectations of our employees and third parties who we have business relationships with, in relation to the collection, use, retention, transfer, disclosure and destruction of any Personal Data belonging to Certsure LLP.
Last reviewed February 2025